Senin, 20 Juni 2016

Endeavor: The Prologue


What a beauty of rose
With all the thorns on its stem. Excruciating pain are developed within each point
With the majestic red crown on its head
Yet we, the admirers of this particular rose still suffer from its beauty

I once wandered through prairie of lost dreams
Seeking the true beauty that would please my heart
This heart was in thirst of love in dazzling gleam
But all this time, all I experienced was only hurt

Until I arrived in this particular garden of beauty
At that time, I still had my vast cloud of despair and doubt
But as I walked through the center of the garden, The cloud began to fade away
The warmth of Sun engulfed my heart
I had no doubt

"This is the happiness I was seeking for a lifetime"

I reached the end of flower tunnel
Greeted by this Rose
This Mystical Rose that had all my answers
She brought me deep into her family
We gathered and welcomed me into the big community

All of my burdens
All of my agony
All of my sufferings
Suddenly disappeared in a blink of an eye

"Is this my final frontier?"
"Or is this only another lesson for me to learn?"

Rose whispered to me, "Worry not, my dear. I will always be here until The Sun sets on the other side of Earth."

~~~~~~~~~End of Prologue~~~~~~~~

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013


where all the birds fled by...
when the seagulls have fled to escape...
where the clouds are scarlet red, forming a reddish fortress...
when you came and left in a blink...

I fell to deep slumber where darkness lurks into every soul's core

Though I woke up in this savanna of new world
where no lion is hungry anymore, no prey, no victim
everything seemed so gracious and joyful

even the rocks were singing my favourite serenade, enchanting my soul to its best

Then, I realized there was no happiness like this in any place of this wicked world
I pinched myself to wake myself up from this alluring dream
I opened my eyes but I still resembled the same place
One of the lions said to me, "Why are you going to flee from this absolute happiness? Are you the one who consumed too much sorrow and sadness that finally believes that there is no such happiness in this world?"
I replied, "Hold on, Master of Nemea! I feel so honored to be in this place but I couldn't stand a fraud happiness."

The lion cast me away
I whipped my feet above the sands and swore not to return
So, I continued my journey with these tired feet in pursuit of true Happiness

Senin, 05 November 2012

Matutino Rore

I was stranded in the Land of Cold Blood where mortals can not find warmth in their heart
I decided to light a fire so my heart would not freeze in agony
But not a single spark came from my fire stones
I soon became wondering why I finally reached this place
Did my feet move by themselves leading me here?
Or was it my hollow heart that forced me to wander here?

I met a man which I found next to a spring, he is wearing a black cape with sorrow souls wandering aove his head
I asked him, why did he come here?
He answered nothing
I continued to question him whether he was looking for someone here
He nodded his head
As he nodded his head, a number of sorrow souls came upon his head. Sorrow souls above his head became bigger
I asked him again, "Dear Traveler, who are you?"
He began to move his mouth, he answered, "I am you, the one whose heart has been taken away."
I was startled to death. I ran as fast as I could

Then, Dawn broke in
I stopped my feet and looked into the sky
There was someone whispered to me, "You are now on the Cliffs of Dawn, name yourself!"
I could not answer as I was too ashamed to speak my name
He continued saying, "Why are your feet dried by sorrow, young mortal?" "Have you forgotten that you only live once?" "Morning has come so wipe your manly tears and be on your own way!"
After that, a strong breeze rubbed my face
So I continued my journey in pursuit of inner peace
... until these feet could not move anymore

Senin, 10 September 2012

Serenade of Caged Seagull

Sing, Oh you bird of ocean.
Let me listen to all your sadness and happiness throughout your short life

Sing the sadness with sorrowful tone of your tounge
You once, admired by a poet princess, became her inspiration
She said her life would be banished if you did not sing anymore
She said that you are the melody of marine beauty
Until she left, made your heart caged.
Sorrow became your prison
Tears became the bars
Regrets became the cuffs

Sing the happiness with joyful tone of your tounge
It is now the time
Release yourself from the cage of heart
Fly away and become one with Father Sky
Fuse with the silky clouds of afternoon sky
Cumulus cloud is your wings
Your beak will be translucent so I can see your tounge dancing

Words that she threw to you, finally thrown to other person. Let us consider it as Circle of Life
Let us be on our way
Life still goes on even it is getting heavier
Don't fly too near the Sun unless you want to be Icarus again
Look there are still many fish underneath the ocean
Wipe your tears and sing your lullaby to make me asleep
So I can dream once again

Jumat, 13 April 2012

Surya, Candra, dan Kartika

Setelah lari dari kenyataan kelam, aku memanjat benteng yang mulai memendek itu
Di atas kupandangi langit malam megah, bertahtakan jutaan bintang, senyum rembulan yang begitu tulus, dan angin malam yang merembet di lorong hatiku
Sesaat kupandangi sang Candra, cahayanya perak terasa lembut di pelupuk mata, bagai sepotong kain sutra terbang ke arah pandanganku.
Setelah lama kupandangi, aku menemukan kejanggalan pada Candra, kutemukan bahwa cahaynya palsu, senyum mengkilat-kilat lembut itu hanya pantulan dari kegagahan sang Surya.
Aku pun menjadi jatuh sedih...
Kupandangi Kartika yang menghampar elok menghiasi Angkasa gelap nan misterius. Kartika cahayanya asli, indah namun hanya kurasakan sedikit... sedikit sekali. Kartika itu sangat jauh.
Aku ingin menggapai sang Kartika namun aku hanya dapat berandai menggenggamnya dengan tangan lusuhku ini.
Kartika jelas bukan untuk aku miliki, namun aku tetap ikhlas jika dia tetap menjauh dari aku
Tiba-tiba Angkasa menjadi biru kegelapan, Mega  mulai terlihat berbaris menyambut sang Surya yang akan datang dengan segala kemuliaannya.
Sang Surya mulai mengintip dari balik persenyembunyiannya, aku mulai berdiri hendak menyambutnya juga.
Fajar telah menyingsing
Kenangan sudah paripurna
Hidup harus tetap berlanjut
Meski akan terus semakin berat

Rabu, 29 Februari 2012


Lelah hati ini diuji
Lelah hati ini dihujat
Lelah hati ini dipertanyakan
Lelah hati ini difitnah
Lelah hati ini dibohongi

Pernah hati ini kuberikan demi seutuh jiwa dan ragaku namun akhirnya berujung kesengsaraan
Paripurna sudah langkah serta penantianku
Aku terjatuh di lubang yang sudah kulewati sebelumnya

Berharap kebahagiaan masih terpancar dari wajahnya

Biarkan aku sendiri tenngelam dalam kegelapan
Jikalau bertemu lagi denganku, janganlah sesekali menyapaku lagi. Mungkin saja itu bukan aku...
Mungkin saja itu aku yang telah diselimuti kegelapan hati

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011


Now, my steps have been stopped and I got nothing to do or rely on
It's far too late to say "Don't leave!"...
The seagull has departed and flew to the seventh sky, leaving me earthbound in the cemetery of fallen hopesI
I am now high and dry, still waiting for some miracles to embark upon me
Call me stupid because I deserve to be called like that
This stupidity has flowed in my blood through my vein for a long time, pumped by my lousy heart
the heart that appears to be very wounded and still has its guts to beat...

Can I struggle to live?
This regret is choking me
I suffocate for air of new hope...