Selasa, 06 September 2011

An Unperfect Rendezvous

I've come back from the land of struggle where my blood boils for truth. I have arrived in the land of magic where I was born and happiness fled by brain and heart as I would meet my princess of Other World.

I am craving her smile and her serenade that she once taught me by her lovely strings of love fragrance
I am so happy to see my whole family gathers around the same table and we lift the same Cup of Ancestor

But suddenly cloud of despair begins to fly above my head because the princess is not willing to see me
I am stuck in the middle of nowhere in my own hometown
Fortunately, I have my old companions of my past comrades that cheer me up with their friendly hug
But I can't deny there is still a hole in my heart which is thirsty for your fresh look, dear princess.

Now I have to go back to the bridge of struggle
and still hope for the next rendezvous
because all I want to say to her is I am bringing this heart of pain and uncertainly, so she can see it through

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